Private tours of Palermo, Monreale, Segesta and Erice with Jackie Alio.
Private Tours of Palermo, Monreale & Cefalù


Jackie in Monreale's cloister.Amongst Si­cily's his­to­ri­ans, Jackie Alio stands out as one of the very few whose books are pub­lished in En­glish, cap­ti­vat­ing an in­ter­na­tion­al read­er­ship. Her land­mark work, The Peo­ples of Si­cily: A Mul­ti­cul­tur­al Lega­cy (New York 2013), touch­es the very soul of the plu­ral­is­tic cul­tur­al heri­tage of the world's most con­quered is­land, bring­ing us the in­spir­ing mes­sage that tol­er­ant, mul­ti­cul­tur­al so­ci­eties can flour­ish in our times. More re­cent­ly (in 2015), Jackie au­thored Wom­en of Si­ci­ly: Saints, Queens and Rebels, the first book about the his­tor­ical wom­en of Si­ci­ly writ­ten in En­glish by a Si­cilian wom­an based in Si­ci­ly. Margaret Queen of Si­cily (2017), the first bi­og­ra­phy of this queen and the longest peer-re­viewed mono­graph ever writ­ten in En­glish by a his­to­r­ian in Si­cily, is avail­able from Ama­zon, Barnes & No­ble, Wa­ter­stones, In­di­go, Fish Pond and oth­er ven­dors. Jackie also wrote an in­sight­ful guide to me­dieval Pa­ler­mo. Even if you don't have her books, you can read her on­line ar­ti­cles, vis­it her Ama­zon page or down­load her use­ful Sightseeing Tips for Norman-Arab Palermo.
   Con­sulted over the years by The Dis­covery Chan­nel and other media, Jackie has earned a rep­uta­tion as one of just a hand­ful of schol­ars with the abil­ity to con­vey Si­cily's ev­ery nu­ance, and to con­nect its past to our pre­sent.
   A native speak­er of En­glish who has stud­ied in Eu­rope and Amer­ica, Jackie is spe­cial­ized in Si­cily, and par­tic­u­lar­ly the is­land's north-west­ern areas of Pa­ler­mo, Cefalù, Mon­reale, Se­gesta and Erice.
   Hav­ing deep roots in Si­ci­ly, Jackie brings a spe­cial pas­sion to her work.
   These are not "gener­ic" group tours. Ev­ery tour with Jackie is ful­ly cus­tom­ized, per­son­al­ized to your in­ter­ests. Contact Jackie to be­gin plan­ning your day tour or shore ex­cur­sion. A few itinerary ideas fol­low on this page. (Read some sat­is­fied clients' emails and com­ments.)

Sightseeing Philosophy

Sight­seeing is one thing, but actual­ly ap­pre­ciat­ing the sights is an­oth­er. The best guides un­der­stand that no archaeo­logi­cal or his­tor­i­cal site, no work of art, no single place stands apart from its place in his­tory. It's all about con­text.

As Sicily's multi­cultural heritage was shaped by numerous civiliza­tions – from the Sicanians, Phoeni­cians and Greeks to the Arabs, Nor­mans and Swabians (among others) – it helps to know some­thing about the peoples who lived be­yond Si­cilian shores. Poly­glot medieval Sicily was home to Arabs and Jews, and to two "branches" of Christianity – Greek "Orthodoxy" and Roman "Catholicism." Jackie is a rarity be­cause she under­stands the complex con­nections at this unique con­vergence of cul­tures and – as history should never be boring – she knows how to explain this to visitors in an interest­ing way.

This scholarly and practical com­petence reflects far more than a profes­sion. One might even say that it is an art based on the expres­sion of natural talent and intel­lectual insight. Beyond mere "observing" or seeing, the best guides can take you to the plane of dis­covery and under­standing. Like the best surgeons, the best guides know more than others.

Of course, it is pos­sible to visit an interest­ing place without a private tour guide. But Sicily's unique hi­story makes a walking tour of Palermo with a guide an appealing option – for at least part of your visit – even if you usually prefer independent travel. A day sight­seeing with a private tour guide is the perfect com­plement to independent travel. While Jackie and other licensed tour guides frequent­ly work with larger groups (of ten or more), they can also be hired for smal­ler ones, even if your "group" is just you and your spouse.

Don't con­fuse this with those sites that list numerous tour guides' profiles and photo­graphs along with a few standard itineraries, and then invite you to "directly" contact the guide through their site. All of Jackie's services are tailor-made and contact is ex­clusively, directly with her. There is no "go-between" and therefore no con­fusion. And while there are certain popular sights, there are no set, "standard" itineraries. You will be sight­seeing at your own pace.

Let's talk about your Sicily ex­perience, which will be personalized to your in­terests. Here are a few itinerary ideas for your day tour. Contact Jackie for more informa­tion, details and rates.

Jackie cannot respond to queries regarding historical re­search projects or Sicilian family history (genealogical) re­search. Books and articles on Sicilian family his­tory can be found on Best of Si­cily's Si­cilian genealogy page.

A Few Itinerary Ideas

Medieval Palermo and Mon­reale: The legacy of Sicily's Nor­man kings comes alive. See Pa­lermo Cathedral, the Nor­man Palace, Saint John of the Hermits Monastery and, fol­lowing lunch, hill­top Mon­reale Abbey.

Aristocratic Palermo: Visit the Nor­man Palace of Sicily's first kings, with its Phoenician founda­tions and palatine chapel. Then we'll see Palazzo Mirto, a Baroque residence of a noble family, and the Steri, a medieval castle.

Judaic Palermo: High­lights of Palermo's Jewish heritage, built by a com­munity that flourished in the city until the end of the fifteenth cen­tury. Because Jackie's itineraries are based part­ly on original research, they're especial­ly in­sightful. This is far more than an "ordinary" day tour of Palermo.

Culinary Curiosities: A visit to one of Palermo's color­ful street markets, established as Arab souks in the ninth century, fol­lowed by lunch and a wine tasting.

Discovering Palermo: Sites and mon­uments that give you a lasting impres­sion of this color­ful city: a medieval street market, the imposing Cathedral, the Martorana and its mosaics, Piaz­za Pretoria Fountain, Palaz­zo Mirto and more.

The Leopard's Palermo: Dis­cover the places that inspired Giuseppe Tomasi di Lamp­edusa's classic novel, The Leopard (Il Gattopardo), in a personalised walk­ing tour of the city as he saw it. This itinerary can easily be customized to in­clude a lunch based on Si­cilian baroque cuisine typical of the 19th cen­tury.

Theme Tours: As you can see from these descrip­tions, it's easy to plan a personal walk­ing tour dedicated to a specific theme – for ex­ample, Baroque or Byzantine archi­tecture, the Kalsa, the local gardens, Palermo's castles.

Charming Cefalù: Drive along the coast to the seaside town of Cefalù. See its stun­ning Nor­man cathedral, state­ly medieval cloister, and ancient stone streets. Lunch, if you wish, at a local sea­food restaurant along the shore in the old city walls.

Segesta and Erice: Segesta's ancient Greek temple is one of the best-preserved in the world. Founded by Carthaginians, Erice is a charming hilltop town with stone streets and delightful treasures that include great restaurants and pastry shops.

Corleone and the Royal Hunting Lodge: Venturing into the hilly hinter­land beyond Palermo, you'll dis­cover the real Sicilian countryside with a visit to Ficuz­za, the Bourbon kings' hunting lodge on an estate that in­cludes a forest, lake and streams, and to near­by Cor­leone, haunted by the ghosts of Sicily's colorful rustic bandits. (A country-style lunch and/or a wine-tasting can be in­cluded with this day-tour.)

Informative Links: PalermoMonrealeCefalùFicuzzaSegestaEriceStreet MarketsNorman SicilyArab SicilyJews of PalermoSicilian Food & Wine

A Few Clients' Comments

"We arrived home last evening, tired but happy. What a great trip we had. Being with you was a high­light for us. We enjoyed your company, the many conversations, all of the history and informa­tion you gave us. You could answer all our questions. And, besides that, you are an incredib­ly nice person. It was an absolute joy to be with you. If there is any­where we could post a review that would help you, let us know. And remember, the invita­tion to Texas is always open."

– Brenda & Gordon V.

"Many thanks for your great guidance in Sicily! It was the high­light of our trip. I will be sure to send others your way."

– Marian T.

"I'm sorry this note has taken so long to get to you. On be­half of Doug, Judy, Gayle, Carla, Larry, Roy, and myself, I want to thank you for such a fantastic tour of Pa­lermo! It was a high­light of our trip. Your knowledge, kind and warm man­ner, tour itinerary, and selec­tion of a wonder­ful restaurant to finish up the day could not have been bet­ter. We certain­ly hope to see you again in Palermo. I will return with my brother and children some day. We fell in love with Sicily. Our stay close to Scopello was perfect. We attended the Cous­cous Festival in San Vito, and with your help, found the town my grand­mother's relatives are from, Piana degli Albanesi. The temple at Segesta is also a must-see.

"Please feel free to use this let­ter as proof of our complete satisfac­tion with your service. We cannot recom­mend you highly enough. Any of our friends that are going to Palermo will hear of your service and get our recom­menda­tion to use it. Should you visit southern California, please feel free to ask us for as­sistance. We'll help any way we can with direc­tions or our favorite places/restaurants to visit. I'm afraid we won't be able to find any lung and spleen sand­wiches!"

— Charles J.

"Now that we are back home we must thank you for the amazing guide that you arranged for us Michele. Jackie was fantastic!

"My whole family (from the youngest to the oldest) was thril­led with the extent of details and knowledge about every­thing that she shared with us always with a smile, the 'tempo' she kept, the places she managed to fit in in the short time we had on shore and the great ice cream that ended the wonder­ful action-packed day.

"The sights were every­thing we had hoped they would be,and thanks to you and Jackie we will have many excel­lent memories!"

— Judy S.

"Thanks so much for the tour you gave us of the 'other' Palermo. It was fascinating. We still talk about it with our friends and will recommend your services to anyone we know going to Sicily."

— Joel D.

"Just a quick note of thanks again for our brief two days together in Pa­lermo. You were great. It was fun. What I saw with you was much more than the rest of my group did later in the month when they final­ly ar­rived in Palermo. They simply did not have the leisure that you and I had. And perhaps you did a better job than who­ever was show­ing them around. I was able to give them eager­ly anticipated info on your fair city. I ap­preciated seeing it from public transporta­tion without having to be distracted with the driving of my own vehicle, and from your perspective."

— Harriet D.

"You cannot imagine how often we all talk about our visit in Sicily a few months ago. Dur­ing the two days you were with us, you made these many treasures you showed us come alive. Many, many thanks. We took, as you know, many pictures, in­cluding some very nice ones of you. I have had these now on my desk to send to you, but was not able to find the address you had given me."

— Sam J.

"Now that I have re­covered from the late flight home, I thought I should like to thank you so much for all the help you gave me with the itinerary and restaurants in and around Palermo. We all much en­joyed your very clear, intel­ligent and well-organised guid­ing style. Of course the Palermo end of the tour is quite the most stunning for most people and we were all sorry we did not have more time in Cefalù which every­body thought real­ly charming. I had rather wondered how we would cope with so many dif­ferent guides – four in all as it worked out – but the calibre of each and every one of you was excel­lent."

— Renata B.

Books about Sicily.
© 2001 - 2018 C. Jacqueline Alio